Friday, June 19, 2009

Flannels, Songs and Story Extensions

Books That Translate Well Into Flannel Stories
Best-Dressed Bear
Centipede's 100 Shoes by Tony Ross
Mary Wore Her Red Dress by Merle Peek
Shoes From Grandpa by Mem Fox

A-Hunting We Will Go
A-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go,
We'll catch a cat
And give her a hat,
And then we'll let her go.

...catch a whale and give him a tie and tails...
...catch a goat and give him a coat...

...catch a fox and give him some socks...

Goat and His CoatLittle Goat, Little Goat,
Will you wear your yellow coat?
(repeat with coats of other colors)

Pete the Cat Has Lost His ShoePete the Cat has lost his shoe.
Where can he go?   What can he do?

"Do you have my shoe," he asked the fox.
"No, all I have are these socks."  
(put the socks on Pete)

"Do you have my shoe," he asked the goat.
"No, all I have is this coat."          
 (put the coat on Pete)

"Do you have my shoe," he asked the bat.
"No, all I have is this hat."    
(put the hat on Pete)

"Do you have my shoe," he asked the kitten.
"No, all I have  is this mitten."
(put the mitten on Pete)

"Do you have my shoe," he asked the fly.
"No, all I have is this tie."
(put the tie on Pete)

Pete said: "Wow, I look so cool!
I don't need shoes - I'll just go to school!"
(Ask children: Would you go to school looking like that?"

Pete the Cat - What Did You Do?Pete was walking down the street - lots of people for him to meet. But then, he accidentally stepped in a pile of ... strawberries!  "Pete the Cat, what did you do?  You've got strawberries on your shoe!" What color are Pete's shoes now?

(Repeat with... blueberries... mud... water)
(End with: "That's all right, that's okay, it's ALL GOOD anyway!)

Teddy Put Your Jammies On
Teddy put your jammies on,
Jammies on, jammies on
Teddy put your jammies on - just like that.

First you do one foot...
Then you do the other foot...
Then you pull the bottoms up...
First you do one arm...
Then you do the other arm...
Then you do the snaps up...
Now you have your jammies on...
you look so sweet!

Teddy Wore His Red Shirt
Teddy wore his red shirt
Red shirt, red shirt
Teddy wore his red shirt all day long
(repeat with other articles of clothing)

Where Oh Where Has My Clothing Gone?
(Tune: "Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?")

Oh where, oh where have my new shoes gone?
Of where, oh where can they be?
I've looked up high, and I've looked down low
Did someone hide them from me?

(Repeat with: white socks, blue jeans, red shirt, yellow hat, etc.)

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