Friday, October 13, 2006

Flannels, Songs and Story Extensions

Bring out props of different sizes, and discuss their sizes with the children.

Books/Songs That Translate Into Flannel Stories:
Blue Sea by Robert Kalan
Five Elephants in a Bathtub
Forget Me Not by Michael Broad
If Elephants Wore Pants
Seven Blind Mice by Ed Young
Willoughby Wallaby Woo

Book That Works As Puppet Script
Little Gorilla by Ruth Bornstein

"Itsy Bitsy Spider"
"Little Bunny Foo-Foo"
"Where Is Thumbkin?"

Five Elephants in A Bathtub
One elephant in the bathtub, going for a swim
Knock - knock
Splash- splash
Come on in!
(Count up to five and then: "It all fell in!"  Tub crashes to floor)

Elephant on a Spiderweb
*Tune of "Five Little Ducks"
One elephant went out to play
On a spider's web one day
She had so much enormous fun,
That she called for another elephant to come...

Keep adding flannel elephants to the yarn "web" on the flannelboard until you reach five.

Sometimes I Am Tall
*Lead the children in acting this out:
Sometimes I am TALL
Sometimes I am SMALL
Sometimes TALL
Sometimes SMALL
See how I am now.

Three Elephants
A GREAT big elephant
A medium-sized elephant
A little elephant, I see
Let's see if we can count them:
1, 2, 3!

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